Bellwright Wiki
Bellwright Wiki


See also Map, Places, People, Quests

Karvenia is the continent and kingdom that the events of Bellwright occur in. Karvenia is broken up into many smaller regions, twenty-two to be exact. These smaller regions include a variety of ecosystems and have different resources, quests and villages within them as well as a variety of threats. The Karvenia Lowlands themselves are one of the 5 Larger City-States that exist.

Karvenia has a Day/Night cycle, a Season cycle and a Weather cycle. The season cycle consists of Spring/Winter. The Weather consists of rain/storms and snow/blizzards.

The Scourge - A threat to Karvenian agriculture.

The Seasonal Cycle impacts the growth of crops on the farms and additionally in winter, the cycle leaves the ground blanketed in snow. While the snow is around many ground harvestable resources cannot be interacted with including plants, mud, mushrooms and so on. All of those nodes are unavailable during winter, which lasts for about a week in-game. Be sure that you have stocked up to prepare for the unrelenting cruelty of a Karvenian Winter.

Curiously, winter does not make wildlife any less scarce. The cycles all have minor influence on all NPC's, it will set their daily routines, yes the villages and villagers go to sleep at night, the weather impacts NPC morale negatively and positively, and winter has an effect on morale also.


  • There are several factions in game. Each village has a faction called "Village" Settlers Faction. Your goal is to earn their trust, liberate them, become their savior and work your status up in each village to the "Bellwright" rank. *Do note villagers can be killed by your weapons or by being caught in crossfire from bandit skirmishes. You also don't want to attack their livestock or fail the quests they give you. You really don't want that scenario to occur... trust me it is not fun...*
  • The Bandits Faction is the most common threat, and will raid your settlement.
  • The Brigands Faction is the people rocking padded red armors extorting the common folk, that don't want to talk to you in town. They are neutral until provoked. Then they will remain aggressive. You will fight them during the liberation of the villages. There is usually at least six to defeat.
  • "Burning Stove" is a friendly rebel faction.
  • The "Fishing Guild" Faction
  • Lord Ashbourne has a faction. He has a headquarters centrally located in the Southsun Foothills between Blackridgepool, Farnworth, Crasmere, and Horndean. Expect heavy resistance, well equipped fighters, and high aggression.
  • The Red Thorns - A group of kidnappers.
  • Warrior's Guild - A group of warriors.
  • Ophidian - The elite among elites...

Threat Level[]

Each region has a threat level indicated by a colored diamond shape near the name of the region when it is highlighted on the map. The threat level has a hand in the threats you will face.

  • One green diamond signifies a low threat level.
  • Two yellow diamonds signify a medium threat level.
  • Three red diamonds signify a high threat level.
  • Four red diamonds signify a very high threat level.


There are a lot of people, places and points of interest in Karvenia.
Region Village Resources Threat Level Threats
Northern Descent Haerndean 1 None
Darkwood Passage 2
Western Expanse 3
Drenchwood Grove 3
Sunsteep Valley 1
Woodman's Trail Padstow 2
Central Crossroads 2
Evergreen Hinterlands Bradford 3
Dimwater Marsh 4
Reedwalker's inlet 2
Redwater Outcrop 3
Greystone Overlook 3
Wingman's Pass Blackridgepool 4
Grizzlebank Vale 3
Willowsound Bluffs Farnworth 3
Southern Foothills 4
Silverhoof Grounds 4
Windswept Uplands 4
Saltbite Coast Crasmere 4
Hammerdale Delves Horndean 3
Western End 3
Withered Flats 3
  • Due to the nature of wildlife to roam, they may not necessarily be found in these regions.
  • Level up your skills to increase the chance of rare drops as well as damage, wolves, boars, and deer are tanky, rabbits (traps are better) are quick, birds are a pain to hit. You better be prepared, and have food buffs or healing items.
  • Trapping rabbits is a slow, more successful method, but you need to place and bait the traps manually until you create a Trapper's Camp.
  • Random loot is a way to acquire these goods outside of a normal harvest method and killing bandits is an especially good way to get Straps early on. You will need 15 straps for the Town Hall so save up.
  • A Hinterlands is a region lying inland from a coast. Essentially, it refers to a region out in the sticks.


* Blackridgepool * Bradford * Crasmere * Farnworth * Haerndean * Horndean * Padstow * Places * Regions
