Bellwright Wiki
Bellwright Wiki


Building a Player Settlement or Outpost is one of the big draws to Bellwright.

You accomplish this by gathering resources and using them to research technology and build buildings to continually improving your abilities and equipment whether its armor or weapons. The Plot of Bellwright also focuses heavily on building settlements while earning trust with local neutral villages and increasing your renown, and transferring rare resources between your outposts and settlements, Defending your outposts from Bandit Raids, Recruiting villagers/Settlers, Liberating the neutral villages, to acquire a notable apprentice of high skill in a particular profession to get even more advanced technology and then defending the neutral village against Lord Ashbourne's Reclamation Party, while discovering your roots and the truth about why you were exiled from the Lands of Karvenia.

For clarity,

  • "Villager" refers the NPCs in "Neutral Villages" many of which can be recruited to your player base/outpost/settlement/village to perform tasks.
    • Or be a lazy homeless individual (because you miscalculated your vacancies in your settlement) that gets stuck on the strangest things, places all the good gear you collected or made for them in storage, because they don't have enough skill to use the gear or because they decided they wanted to do something different. (that's Satire... NPCs need better AI)
  • "Villages" or "Neutral Villages" refers to the 7 neutral villages in game Haerndean, Padstow, Bradford, Blackridgepool, Farnworth, Horndean, Crasmere not to be confused with your settlement which people may call a village as well.