Bellwright Wiki
Bellwright Wiki


See also Map:Bellwright, Karvenia, People, Places


  • You are looking at quest log entries. There is a risk it will spoil some of the surprising elements of the quests.
  • It is not yet confirmed if all settlers are randomly assigned names or if they remain consistent.
    • *The Crasmere Elder for example, has been reported to go by the names Oliver Graves, and Ned Payne but in game, in dialog, he refers to himself as "Lucien Fresin".
  • Some quests have branching paths or other choices or optional objectives you can complete for alternative rewards such as different skill books or higher tier books.
    • As a result your Quest Log may have different rewards or steps.
    • You are by no means required to follow the exact same branching path (if there is a branching path present).
    • The steps listed here are a reference to help guide you.
    • They are listed to help you get clearer expectations especially for the longer quest chains or wait x amount of days and return and so you can plan accordingly with the winter season removing (temporarily) many ground resources that these quests need.
    • The quests, especially plot ones, will be similar although there will be variations, as NPC names may change, and players may chose the optional objectives or branches than the ones used to write this page.
  • Some quests require you to return the next day. It must be at least exactly that time the following day.
    • If you turn a quest in at 5:30PM (17:30) on the in-game clock, you must return at (or after) 5:30PM (17:30) the next day.
    • Sometimes, if you've gone too far away from the quest giver to sleep, it may not register the day change. If this happens try using the Inn in that village. *Be sure to pay the neutral village Inn fees before the Expert Innkeeper goes to bed or you will be in for a very long night.
  • Some quest givers will give specific dialog like "this potion has these side effects", when you return to the NPC to give them that specific potion they will ask what did the "herbalist" say the side effects were. These responses affect your rewards, be sure to pay attention and get it right.
  • Some NPCs are involved in multiple quests, not to worry, there are separate options when talking to them for each quest.
  • If there is a typo, or grammatical errors or makes no sense it is because that is the way the journal has it.


  • May require completion of "A Village in Need".

Even though this is difficulty 1,

you may find this quest harder to complete if you haven't

leveled your archery, or hunting

skills, researched the Elm Shortbow,

quiver, simple arrows, or manage to

notice the deer before it runs try

using Ctrl to slow your pace. This

quest also requires uncommon/rare

drops from the various wildlife and

is subject to RNG. Additionally you

may find difficulty in locating the

boar, deer or wolves. see the map,

or places, or Karvenia that could

help locate these targets.

Even though this is

difficulty 1, you may find this quest hard to complete due to the hunting mechanic and rarity of the Stag Horns drop. Additionally, it takes a few arrows to fell a deer.

The quest log does

not register who to Talk to in the 2nd step, follow the marker in game.

Quest Items[]

List of Quest Items
Quest Item
Anti-Pest Potion
Bag of axe heads
Bag with secret bites
Bandit's Treasure
Books for Merchant
Carvan Parts
Damaged Sword
Elder Cure
Fisherman's Letter
Fishing Rod Parts
Fixed Sword
Healing Potion
Letter With Order
Lost Sword
Mixing Flask
Poison Sample
Secret Spice
Solstice Secret Booze
Special Glue
Tool for Carpenter
Tools for Dalibor
Tools for Miller
Trader's bag