Bellwright Wiki
Bellwright Wiki

Raids are an event when a bandit group attempts to raid your village.

Advanced versions of the raid mechanic (with up to 2 dozen Brigands) called Reclamation Parties occur after liberating villages.


Bandits will raid your outpost/settlement or villages looking for resources, The severity and frequency depend on raid level and status. Raid level increases after each raid.

Managing Your Army[]

Guard Reservest

Guard Reservist Slider

In the settlement menu ("N" on your keyboard), individuals can be selected and viewed. On the top right of the individuals informational panel are two sliders; "Hold Ground" and "Guard Reservist", if you want the individual to protect your village you will want to keep that slider highlighted blue for "Active".

Call To Arms Button

Call To Arms Button

Once you have your Guard Reservists selected, you can activate them in the settlement menu at the top next to where the "Raid Threat" level is indicated. The button is labeled "Call to Arms" and will activate all reservists as guards within your settlement.


Raid Threat

Raid Threat Indicator

The build up to a raid is well documented in your settlement menu next to the "Call to Arms" button. It reads "Raid Threat: #", where # will show up as a number and is the level raid you will be getting, the chart below will indicate how many bandits you can expect (WIP). The status bar indicates the likelihood in which the raid is to come.

The day prior to the raid, the player will be alerted to an "Expected Raid". On the day of the raid the player will continue to be warned of the expected raid until the raid takes place.

Raid on Map

Incoming raid as shown on the map.

Once the raid is incoming it can be tracked on the map. The group of raiders will be marked with a red blurry dot on the map, it does not indicate the size of the raid. As the group gets within distance of your village the dot will disappear and red dots on the mini-map will appear to indicate where specific bandits are located.

Amount of Bandits To Expect
Raid Level Bandits Expected
1 1
2 3 with tier 1 gear