Bellwright Wiki
Bellwright Wiki


One of the core mechanics of Bellwright, is engaging in the liberation of the neutral villages from the local lord, Ashbourne and his oppressive regime.

Generally speaking this process can be described as:

  1. Wander into a village
  2. Build trust up by helping the villagers
  3. Achieve a rank 2/3 trust level via completing quests, trophies, subduing hostile wildlife or bandits nearby, or selling the trust generating items: Wolf Fang, Old Coin.
  4. Wait for a quest to pop with the Elder requesting to speak to you.
  5. Accept Quest Titled "Time has come: (Village name)"
  6. Defeat the specified number of Brigands that are occupying said village.
  7. Build a Village Belltower (resource heavy, buildable without hammer, neutral village villagers will assist the build process.
  8. Talk to said village's Elder.
  9. Build additional neutral village buildings especially the training structures.
  10. Train Villagers skills, Craft them better equipment, equip that equipment, then expel them back to the home village or keep them for your army.
  11. Use your armies and settlers (and the neutral village's forces) to Defend against Lord Ashbourne's fierce Reclamation Party similar to Raids except far more invaders, far better gear, much more difficult to complete.
  12. Achieve the Protector Trust level and Bellwright Status in said village.
  13. Recruit the Apprentices and become even more powerful.
  14. Repeat the process 6x more times for the remaining neutral villages.
  15. Become Lord of the Land and whatever that entails?